Overflow Call Answering Service
At Rent an Office Space we specialise in call overflow management. This service can be used for both small and large companies, with call answering services for small businesses proving to be extremely effective
Answering Incoming Calls with Our Overflow Call Handling Service
Growing businesses can often struggle with the influx of incoming calls. Due to this, having a dedicated service to answer calls can prove very beneficial.
Don’t Let Your Customers Go to Voicemail
If you are currently can’t handle the amount of calls you’re getting, then our overflow call handling service can also help ensure that your customers aren’t being sent to voicemail. Research has suggested that 85% of callers will not phone back if they cannot get a hold of someone within the company the first time. Whilst 75% will not leave a voicemail message. Meaning that you may lose out on a lot of valuable customers.
We can also provide an out-of-hours voicemail service to ensure that you never miss a call, even when you’re not in the office.

Don’t Leave Your Customers on Hold with Our Call Answering Service
In today’s digital age, everyone wants everything now. No one likes being kept on hold, especially if it is a commercial company. If you find that you are having to leave customers on hold then our overflow call handling service may be just what you need. One study has even suggested that 60% of customers would hang up the phone after being placed on hold for only a minute, stating that they felt that time was too long to be waiting. Many participants also argued that putting customers on hold was a bad customer service practice.
Advantages of Call Answering Services for Small Businesses
There are many advantages of call answering services for small businesses, including;
Relieves Pressure Off Your Staff
If you or your staff members are currently in charge of taking calls, then this may be distracting them from getting on with their work. Using a business phone answering service can help optimise staff time by allowing them to get on with their day-to-day operations without any interruptions.
Better Customer Service
Using an answering service for small businesses can help improve your customer service. Your customers will no longer have to wait to get through to your business, instead they will be happy with the new found level of customer service that they will be receiving from our polite and friendly staff.

Business Answering Service Allows You to Focus on What Matters
Opting for a call handling service allows you to stop worrying and start focusing on what really matters within the business and working to improve other aspects of the business. If your call handling solution currently isn’t working for you, then choosing Rent an Office Space to provide you with a business answering service could be extremely beneficial.
Choosing Rent an Office Space to Provide Overflow Call Handling Service
There are many advantages of using an overflow call handling service but there are also many advantages to working with us at Rent an Office Space.
Friendly and Helpful Call Answering Service Staff
One of the main advantages of working with us at Rent an Office Space is that all of our staff are friendly and helpful. Whether it’s communicating b2b with your company, or taking calls from your clients via our business answering service, our staff will leave a positive and lasting impression which will radiate throughout your customers and keep them satisfied with your businesses customer service.
Wide Range of Business Services

Here at Rent an Office Space, we don’t just specialise in our business phone answering service, we also provide a wide range of services, including;
If you are interested in any of the services mentioned above, then get in contact with Rent an Office Space today. Choose between our pre-selected package deals or select your own business services to create a custom package that works for your business. If you would like any more information, we will be more than happy to help you and your business.
Contact Us.
If you require assistance or would like to discuss tailoring a virtual office or
call answering package to suit your needs, please contact us on 0141 374 2352,
Email Us or fill out our Enquiry Form for more information.